
deploying to the cloud

Deploying with Kamal

Running your own VPS is no mean feat

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Designing a Cloud DAM

A solution design for a digital asset management system using AWS services, like Cloudinary

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GO + HTMX + Templ

GO + HTMX + Templ

Using templ to generate html with go and htmx.

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deploying nextjs on cloudflare pages

Deploying Next.js on Cloudflare pages

You can deploy a static next.js easily to a cloudflare pages, either using the wrangler cli or with git integration.

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Terraform variables

Terraform variables

How to use variables in terraform.

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JS to GO

Javascript to Go: A primer

A quick primer for javascript developers looking to learn Go

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Cloud apps

Recently I completed some AWS certifications and in doing so thought it would be a good idea to dig into some of the methodologies or best practices behind running apps in the cloud.

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Technical lock

Or cognitive lock is when your so immersed in a technology you struggle to break free from its grasp

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Retrieval augmented generation RAG - Blog

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieve data that can be augmented to your prompt when generating an answer from an LLM.

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This week I gave the rubbish times site a refresh

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Learning the hard way

To know and not to do, it’s to not know

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HTMX & Hono - the new stack

HTMX is a javascript library that allows you to build an interactive application without having to write any javascript

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Web Workers with Comlink

makes working with web workers easy

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Astro js

A quick look at astro js and why I think it’s a good fit for me.

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